Other projects with Crooniek
During the years, Crooniek cooperated in other cd-releases.
'Puin van Dromen' (2020)
In November 2021, Winterstille's debut album, titled 'Puin van Dromen' (Debris of dreams) was released, via the Wool-E-Discs label! Singer-songwriter Xavier and Crooniek joined forces for this unique project. The result is an album full of dark folk/goth and melancholy.
"This album is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most surprising works I've been invited to listen to in quite a long time." - Side Line review (February 24, 2021)
- Drink nog een glas (to watch the video clip, press here)
- If I would only know
- Boze Wolven
- Sans rien dire
- Partizanen van de volle maan
- The shores of Normandy
- Und sie tanzten (to watch the video clip, press here)
- Vrij zinnig lied
- Egmont Park
- Als ik mijn leven overschouw
More info: www.winterstille.be - www.Wool-E-discs.be

'Demonen & Dromen' (2018)
Olivier & Crooniek chase away their demons and pursue their dreams. In September 2017, they released their first song for an art project on dementia: "I know I forget". After a lot of positive response, the collaboration between the singer-songwriter and the wind ensemble tasted like more.
The first tentative, but concrete plans for a long player were forged. At the end of 2018, the time has come: a CD full of infectious, Flemish fanfare pop rock with influences from almost the entire popular music landscape. Healing and stimulating for all those who need it.
"Mijn favorieten zijn het reeds vermeldde 'Ik weet dat ik vergeet', het getormenteerde 'Wil en krijg' (de eerlijkheid gebied me te zeggen dat ik lijd), 'Blijf bij mij' (met prachtige walsarrangementen) en het zuiver akoestische 'Voor verandering' (het meest geëngageerde nummer op de plaat). Maar fundamenteel staat er geen zwak nummer op de plaat." - Dark Entries review (February 2, 2019)
- Over land en over water
- Alles komt in orde
- Nieuwe dromen
- Blijf bij mij
- Kom toch maar
- Hoop
- Wil en krijg
- Ik weet dat ik vergeet (to watch the video clip, press here)
- Voor verandering
- G&K (to watch the video clip, press here)
More info: www.olivier-crooniek.be
'Brabantse Danstradities Vol. 1' (2013)
Researcher and musician Hubert Boone has been studying dance and music practice for some time from the 19th century to the mid-20th century. Around some traditional dance types in Brabant he published the book 'Brabanste Danstradities' (vol. 1). This book is accompanied with a double CD with the same name, with a collection of 40 songs (CD is available seperately).

The groups Limbrant, À Râse dè Têre and De Fijnbesnaarden took care of the recordings of this CD. Also Crooniek took part on this project, by arranging five traditional songs.
More info: www.muziekmozaiek.be